Steve Wagner

Dec 2, 20199 min

Keys to the Kingdom Part Two: Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction and Accountability are closely connected; in fact, the Law actually explains why we are Accountable, and is much more than the popular commercialized version presented in books and on the internet. There are volumes of information about this topic, especially in terms of manifesting material things, but I will attempt to be as concise as possible here and stay within the context of the Keys.

Teal Swan defines the Law of Attraction as a binding tendency (refer back to Gandhi’s quote in Accountability), that it is the universal governing law of mirroring, and essentially overrides other cosmic laws. Gandhi and many other teachers believe that life and the world treat you as you treat life and the world; the Universe mirrors us, it reciprocates, as within so without. We need not wait to see what others do; we are accountable for our own actions and subjective reality.

Our 3D reality is a reflection of our own inner being, which is the cause of our tendencies; and the Universe then treats us according to those tendencies, beliefs, attitudes, dispositions, and inclinations. The shamanic concept that comes to mind here is what we honor honors us. When we honor ourselves which are extensions of the Divine Universe, that Universe then honors us in like and kind.

Kabbalah teaches that we have two choices in how we experience our life and achieve our spiritual directive of expansion. The first is referred to as suffering, choosing our experience through the ego, the material world, and the reactionary emotional responses that are rooted in our indoctrination and learned behavior. This is when we hand over too much power to our ego and material desires, and ignore our soul-based desires (which falls under Key #3 Boundaries).

Our second choice is proactive spiritual transformation, exercising our free will to resist or defy ego and its paradigms, to be in this world but not of it, to view everything through a divine lens, and to seek out the lesson within the chaos (without emotional reaction). Through this choice we empower our soul. Ego vs. Soul is an interesting topic outside the scope of this writing, but something we might explore in a future article.

Accountability and Mirroring are part of either choice. As we make that decision, it is then reflected back to us. Any desire is really just a motivation from within to establish the experience of seeking fulfillment of that desire; so whether through the ego or the soul we have the same basic result. For the sake of this discussion we will focus on the Law of Attraction as it pertains to manifesting change and our desired experiences that promote our soul progress and less on attracting material things.

The Law provides us with a means to gauge our spiritual/emotional state, a frame of reference to where we stand at any given moment, and an indicator by which we can monitor our status and progress and adjust as needed. This is when our divine lens comes into play, seeing our experience teaching us, not happening to us.

The Law has given rise to many popular one-liners that are great to remember and follow IF we truly understand them and their deeper implications not always explained in their abbreviated forms: energy flows where your attention goes; like attracts like; thoughts become things; the observer changes what is observed; what you focus on expands; what goes around comes around; as a man thinks so he becomes; what you resist persists; gratitude reciprocates; your biography becomes your biology; I am, I can, I will; careful for what you wish, you may get it; abraq ad abra (Aramaic: as I speak so I create); when you move the universe moves with you; consciousness seeks out like consciousness (my personal contribution); and of course, the golden rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Besides being a spiritual law and universal tendency, the Law is natural science/physics and spiritual technology. I could write pages on this aspect as I wax scientific; but I will spare you for the moment. Suffice to say that the Law/Mirroring is in effect a bilateral symmetry where you and the Universe describe each other; after all you are the Universe and vice versa. The Universe matches our vibration or state of being, what we are emitting from within, and then mirrors it back to us in a physical format, constantly presenting evidence to our inner emotional status, feelings, and beliefs.

It is said that only matching vibrations can share the same space. This speaks to you and the universe being simpatico or on the same wavelength; you and the universe “vibe” at the same frequency, so to speak. That said, you cannot then vibe to the negative and expect your subjective reality to be positive; these are incongruent vibes or frequencies that cannot share space. Once again, we really need to drill down into these terms and approach them literally and scientifically to understand these concepts on a more factual basis. I will address this in more detail at some point; but essentially, as our soul evolves our consciousness expands.

We become more simpatico or in alignment with the ways of the Universe, approaching the way the Universe thinks and behaves, on the same wavelength. This is what many refer to as a vibrational shift. This is a change in our consciousness, but it is not literally a change in our frequency. We do not literally change our vibration, but our way of thinking, and thoughts become things. The fact is, the Law is always working regardless of what you are thinking. Our goal is to change our thinking and/or thought processes, which changes our perspectives, which changes our reactions and beliefs, which changes our energetic output to the Universe, that is then mirrored back to us. It is not a matter of frequency per se.

The spiritual arena throws around buzz words like vibration, frequency, resonance, etal; but these terms are often just confusing and ambiguous, and often not even an accurate description. Suffice to say for this discourse that matching vibrations are not always identical or same, but may be like as in approaching or similar or aligning with. However, as we have discussed in previous classes, the key to a matching vibe is not sameness, but the offering of a mutually beneficial exchange; when the two become one; sharing. For now I will table the scientific aspects and explanations for a future time, and will revisit all these concepts within the context of spiritual science/technology. Moving on.

I find fault with the expression of like attracts like as it is does conflict with physical science (e.g., opposites attract), and that everyone has their own subjective idea of what like means. I prefer to explain this with my own one-liner of Consciousness Seeks Out Like Consciousness. I believe this fits in well with the expression Thoughts Become Things. Referring back to the vibrational shift being a change in our way of thinking, it only follows then that as our soul learns, our consciousness expands, our thoughts change, and our reality reflects that change.

For an example, regarding both the Law and the concept of vibrational change, imagine a young child. This child must learn the fundamental skills of life, and then proceeds to his/her academic process. When this child is just learning how to add and subtract, he/she is not even close to “vibrating” at the “frequency” of college algebra. Algebra exists, it’s on this child’s timeline to experience; but the child has a long process of learning before he/she can reach the capacity to even consider learning this advanced subject. Our soul is that child. It is not a matter of frequency, but of capacity and the development of spiritual IQ toward that advanced thinking and subject matter.

The Law is the reciprocating mechanism that shows our vibrational state of being (consciousness) and emotional status in order to manifest and fine tune what we bring in to our reality, and create our desired experience. The more advanced we are in our spiritual thinking, the more advanced subject matter or experience we can call in. As mentioned, our desires are just motivations to put us on a path of experience, not necessarily to reach our perceived desired end result. What often happens is that as we change according to what the Universe presents to us, our desires change; our “vibe” and thoughts change and the Universe adapts and reciprocates real time. We find that something “along the way” is what we truly needed—not what we thought we wanted. So it really is all about the journey and not the destination.

The Law itself mirrors the flow and unfolding of creation from Source as each wave of creation is a corresponding counterpart to not only the previous wave but to the Source itself. This concept was used in explaining the concept of Accountability; we mirror our Creator. The Law is a function of Creation; so everything is a reflection, extension, or version of the Divine. That said, everything we create is then a reflection, extension, or version of us. We are gods.

That said, our consciousness then seeks out the like consciousness of the Creator, the Divine Mind, the Perfect Plan and all that the Universe can offer us as opposed to our very limited scope of consciousness (because we have not yet reached that capacity or spiritual IQ). Matthew 6: 33 reads, Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things will be added to you. This might be considered part of the proactive spiritual transformation mentioned earlier, and is certainly an advanced subject we must learn through a series of progressively graduating experiences. This is why many teachers say that those who manifest spiritual change are usually the most successful at manifesting material things. When we are simpatico with Divine Consciousness, the realm of Archetypes, and Endless Supply, we truly expand our potential of manifesting the best possible versions of everything.

Our emotions are the indicators or indexes of whether we are simpatico or aligning with the Universe, Divine Mind and/or Flow, if we are in our zone, vortex, matrix, kingdom, or on the right path. Our emotions drive our thoughts and words creating the force and signal we send out to the Universe, which then sends it back to us in like or kind. This is the universal correspondence, correlation, and tendency. We feel good when we are in our zone, or vortex or matrix, our kingdom, aligned with the larger energetic field and divine flow; when we feel bad, we are not. We do not feel according to what the Universe brings; the Universe brings what we feel. See how that works? Me, me, me.

What you resist persists expresses the Law in action as well. Any issue that remains unresolved will continue to present by the Law. When you resist something or try to avoid it rather than work through it and make the necessary changes, you are essentially focusing on that thing. This is the problem with most coping mechanisms, which are basically avoidance strategies focused on dealing with, and constantly coping then means there is no change. This is why you must lean into resistance and embrace that shadow, to work through and integrate real change.

Energy flows where your attention goes; the Universe obliges you. When you use the Law to make these changes, to resolve the issue, you complete the experience and can check it off of your spiritual “to do” list. At this point then that thing is no longer reflected back to you. You have made it to the other side through the looking glass. You’re done. Once you have changed your perspectives, thoughts, opinions, beliefs; and deleted old programs, acquired new patterns, and risen above any negative emotional reactions, the Universe can not reflect what is no longer present.

All the old components of that issue including the people (aka teachers) involved tend to fall away. As they are attracted, so they are subtracted. In the shamanic tradition, you are healed when you can tell your story without crying. Lao, Tzu wrote, When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.

So, it is my premise that the Universal Cosmic Law is the Law of Mirroring aka the law of attraction. The Universe simply responds to our inner most feelings and reflects them back to us, hopefully so we will take notice and gauge our emotional status and spiritual state. Alice Bailey wrote, The entire Universe is a great theater of mirrors. It is in this great 3D theater of Space-Time that we learn our spiritual lessons by way of physical experiences on this world, and the universe provides us with great feedback all throughout the journey. As our soul learns, our consciousness expands, bringing in more and advanced capacity to progress to higher or more advanced learning; and the process continues.

With all the references to mirrors, and since you now know it is all about you (You’re so vain, I bet you think this song is about you, don’t you? Carly Simon), I wanted to close with a quote from the Victorian classic novel Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray. The world is a looking glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly companion; and so let all young persons take their choice.

So, take a deep breath Alice and step Through the Looking Glass. I’ll see you on the other side. Oh, and BTW, that's not only about you; you wrote it.

Until next time,

