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Writer's pictureSteve Wagner

Current Energies and the Heart-Brain Connection

Those of you that attended the last Teaching Circle know that we are discussing, and about to go deeper into, the topic of the Heart-Brain connection, it’s significance and importance in this space-time dimension and our soul purpose. So that said, it has been brought to my attention to look at the current astrological influences in play right now. Everyone is probably aware of the solar and lunar eclipses, full moon, upcoming new moon, and of course Mercury Rx (retrograde).

Long story short, the current energies and cosmic theme seem to be focusing on the Heart, but also its connection to the Brain—imagine that. These energies and influences in play right now are really pushing us to pay attention to our emotions, and more than that, to the way we FEEL in general both with our physical senses and with our intuition. Sometimes the way we “feel” about something is also what we “think” about something; so it’s a duality of energetic fields intertwining and expressing.

As you probably know, Mercury Rx is always a time to RETHINK EVERYTHING. So now, it appears that we must not only rethink with our brain, but also with our heart. Yes, that’s a thing too. We will see at next circle how the heart “thinks” on its own independent of the brain; in fact, the heart can influence the entire body system via the brain. This is some very interesting science.

Several people at our last event mentioned how “fatigued” they have felt over the past two to three weeks (about the time all these energies came in). This “chronic fatigue” pattern might be explained, at least in part, by these current energies, especially since there is no apparent physiological causation for this tiredness. And by the way, this chronic fatigue thing can be linked to lower back pain as well; I can personally vouch for this. So lately, we may not only be experiencing all the unpleasant little setbacks and vexations that Mercury throws at us, but we may be experiencing this flu-like fatigue and/or an aching back. So here is the 411 on these conditions as I understand them.

First of all Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is really a thing. From a Mayo Clinic article, “Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that can't be explained by any underlying medical condition. The fatigue may worsen with physical or mental activity, but doesn't improve with rest. This condition is also known as systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Sometimes it's abbreviated as ME/CFS.” However, everyone in our little spiritual tribe knows there is more to it than this, especially when the majority of the group all experience the same thing at the same time.

CFS is said to be the energetic result of consistently or repeatedly doing something you do not want to do. This is “I do not want to do this” or “I’m so tired of this s**t” energy. Another way to say this is that you routinely do something you just do not love to do. Your heart ain’t in it, as they say. You’ve lost that drive or desire or even pleasure you may have once had in doing what you do. But more often than not, you are doing it because you “should” do it, your brain and your programming tell you you do not have to love it to get paid, or to meet some obligation. You know the drill.

CFS is the response to that feeling of being fed up with the status quo or S.O.S, or desiring different, new, more, and better. My theory is that on some level (and by that I mean soul level), our desires or even our goals have changed, they have shifted more toward the spiritual objectives conducive to our soul progress rather than the ideals of the ego. We are more than likely resisting that shift, and this takes a LOT of energy as we are posting up against the Universe. So yeah, that’s exhausting.

So there are a couple of things wrong here. Firstly, you are doing something you do not love to do, and you may be doing it because of or for someone else. You are doing it because of programming or indoctrination or to satisfy the expectations of others. You really are not following your heart, passion, or dream. So this then raises issues of not truly honoring or loving yourself, much less loving your life. So you begin to see how the Heart becomes our focus now. What we honor honors us. We must now focus on and honor our “heart’s desire.”

Now just to be clear, this “thing” you aren’t loving to do is not necessarily your job; it could regard your family, relationship, beliefs, religion, social circles, or anything else that you just do not fully engage or invest your “heart” into (any more). In fact, you may not be consciously aware of what this “thing” is at all. You might try to identify this “thing” by asking yourself, and answering honestly, “What would I really LOVE to do?” On the other hand, you may not have a clue as this could well be a soul-driven complaint that you are not fully aware of yet. Gotta love those.

Despite all this seeming dis-ease, the planets are behind us encouraging us to FEEL BETTER, to manifest feeling better, doing better, and being better. In fact, they want us to push to feel the BEST we can, do the BEST we can, and BE the BEST we can. This is really nothing new to anyone who has read The Four Agreements, or studied the Law of Attraction concept to always try to feel as good as possible in order to attract the same back to you. Of course, when we stop resisting, we will feel better as we are then back in the Divine Flow of things again. The current bumps in the road are to get our attention. Message received.

So here is how the Universe intends to help us out. A lot of old STRUCTURES are already on their way to collapsing and falling away. This was pointed out to us in the message back in 2016 that our structures were changing; and these structures were primarily our previous belief systems, but also refers to our personal paradigms, consciousness, and general thought processes. Basically any structure that we relied on as truth, that we made agreement to, any FOUNDATION that we thought to be rock solid but was ultimately inaccurate or not our truth, anything not to our highest good, would begin to shift as we were shifting. Our structures began to change because they did not align with the new (spiritual) personas we were becoming. Our old paradigms were becoming vibrationally incongruent with our energetic fields.

We are now entering, if not already in the middle of, a turning point, crossroads, or NEXUS point (the Shamanic Cosmic Web model of Time from last gathering). These are our points of decision-making that will define, at least in part, our path from now into 2020. This parallels the timeline given to us about this “mastery phase” that began last year (a 2-year cycle). We are to “master” our ego and our emotional responses or reactions, and begin to perceive things through a divine lens seeing the objective truth and reality rather than the illusion of our subjective reality in this space-time.

We might see that a lot of future structures, plans, beliefs, relationships, etc begin to shift (again) or even fall away, which always happens when the universe causes us to reinvent ourselves. Many previous structures, for whatever reason will just no longer align with our vibration and thus, cannot come into our energetic field or reality. But at this point all we can really do is be aware of this process, rethink everything, concentrate on how we feel about everything, and compare that to what we wish to become.

We need to question our heart-felt emotions as they reflect our inner being that is broadcasting signals out to the universe seeking out and bringing in “like” consciousness. We need to look at we are doing to foster self-love, self-care, and self-preservation. The focus is on YOU and YOUR HEART. We have to manage our emotions so that we attract, reveal, create, and manifest what we REALLY want, what we love to do, what makes us FEEL at our best. If our heart ain’t in it, then it ain’t likely to come.

With the New Moon at the end of the month, we might begin to see some of these changes in not only the way we feel, but in our very lifestyle choices, our beliefs and philosophies, our daily patterns and habits. We are told once again that our true “control” of living life is not in logic but in feelings and allowing. We are right where we should be, and can now choose our path. So this is good news. We asked and it was given. The information and the opportunities are being revealed to us in perfect timing.

Just ride this wave for now, but be prepared as old structures, paradigms, consciousness and “what is” is likely to shift soon and give way to “what will be for the better.” I do not see this as a time of changing our true purpose, but seeing it more clearly on the other side. This too shall pass...maybe like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

FYI: for the next Teaching Circle August 18, 1 PM, we will analyze the Emerald Tablets and the Hermetic Principles relative to this subject matter, comparing them to the teachings of Jesus especially per the book of Thomas, and other ancient knowledge. I will go into some pretty deep details on concepts in Quantum Physics relative to our spiritual walk here, which were actually explained by both Jesus and Thoth in their ancient knowledge. We will see that Prayer is the Asking part of the Law of Attraction, and we have just been doing it all wrong.

Then I will wrap all this up into the Heart-Brain and/or Mind-Body-Soul aspects in which we must master combining these separate energy fields, infusing the power of the spoken word, to create one single amplified wave of energy that approaches the essence of the Divine Language for manifesting what we want. Finally, I have some more insights on the Celestial Songs/Words/Mantras and how these might be the keys to actually combing the Heart-Brain simpatico. Lots of info. Should be interesting.

Oh yeah, for those attending, if time permits, I have some insights on what you might expect coming, and where you are likely headed into 2020 according to your Sun Sign. Until next time, with all my heart…


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1 comentario

Miembro desconocido
20 jul 2019

I always learn & reaffirm so much in your classes. This pretty much sums up all the events & feelings I've been experiencing. Thanks Steve. You're a great teacher.

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