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Writer's pictureSteve Wagner

The Mirror Principle: A Critical Examination

At its core, the Mirror Principle posits that our external reality reflects our internal state, particularly our subconscious mind and its core beliefs. Essentially, the world we experience is a mirror of our inner thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This is not a new concept but a remix of ancient wisdom, kind of like a contemporary band covering a classic rock song. With the rise of the New Age movement and a growing interest in personal change and spirituality, concepts like the Law of Attraction and the Mirror Principle have been revisited and popularized. Present-day authors and teachers have framed these ancient concepts in a way that is accessible and relatable to modern audiences. By using everyday language and providing practical exercises, these principles seem to be easier to understand and apply, which has contributed to their popularity.


The resurgence and recognition of the Mirror Principle, particularly in recent years, can be attributed to several factors, even though its core ideas are ancient and deeply rooted in spiritual and philosophical traditions. In essence, the Mirror Principle's popularity can be viewed as an outcome of the rediscovery and modern interpretation of ancient wisdom, coupled with contemporary scientific theories and cultural shifts towards self-empowerment. Still, it's essential to recognize that the modern interpretations honor or at least build upon these timeless teachings. The core ideas are far from new, but their presentation and accessibility have made them resonate with today's audience.


However, there may be a concern, as with many alternative interpretations or translations, that the original content and/or intent of the ancient wisdom upon which this concept is based might lose something in translation. The primary meaning could be diminished, or important details may be omitted. Therefore, in this writing, I aim to fill in the gaps where the new age concept might be lacking or does not fully cover.


The "image" in the mirror symbolizes our internal world—our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and overall mindset, including those held in our subconscious mind. The thoughts and beliefs stored in the subconscious mind act as the image. The "reflection" in the mirror is the manifestation of our inner state in the external world. It is the subjective reality we experience, influenced by our thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious. This reflection is how the world responds to our inner vibrations, creating the circumstances and events we encounter.


Positive beliefs and thoughts can manifest as fulfilling and successful experiences, while negative beliefs can result in challenges and obstacles. While it is said we cannot change or manipulate the reflection, we have control over the image we project, and subsequently, we then change the reflection. This idea aligns with the observer effect, which suggests that the act of observation can alter the phenomenon being observed. By becoming aware of our internal state and actively working to change our thoughts and beliefs, we can revise the "image" we cast. This awareness and intentional adjustment can lead to a corresponding change in our external reality, much like how an observer can change the outcome of an experiment simply by observing it.


To effectively change the "image" in the mirror and, consequently, the "reflection" in our external reality, it is essential to transform these core beliefs and address the shadow self. This requires deep self-reflection, self-awareness, and often, a shift in mindset. Techniques such as affirmations, visualization, and meditation can help reprogram the subconscious mind to align with desired outcomes. By consciously choosing and reinforcing positive beliefs, individuals can alter their internal state and subsequently change their external reality.


The subconscious mind harbors our core beliefs, many of which are formed during early childhood. Core beliefs are fundamental assumptions and perceptions that we hold about ourselves, others, and the world around us. These beliefs are often the result of indoctrinated opinions and values instilled by family, culture, society, and personal experiences. They are deeply rooted in the opinions and values that we have been taught to accept without question.

These indoctrinated beliefs shape our worldview and influence our perceptions, behaviors, and reactions. For instance, if a child grows up in an environment where success is defined by material wealth, they may internalize the belief that their self-worth is tied to financial achievements. Conversely, if one is raised to believe that money is the "root of all evil," they may struggle with issues related to success and prosperity. These core beliefs can drive actions and decisions, often leading to stress and dissatisfaction if individuals feel they are not meeting societal standards.


Core beliefs can often evolve into limiting beliefs, which are restrictive perceptions that hinder personal growth and fulfillment. Limiting beliefs are those that confine our potential and prevent us from achieving our goals. For example, a person who has internalized the belief that they are not good enough may avoid taking on new challenges or pursuing opportunities, fearing failure or rejection. These beliefs can lead to self-sabotage, procrastination, and a lack of confidence, ultimately limiting one's ability to succeed. Repatterning or reframing limiting beliefs can be achieved through several techniques: 

  • Revisioning: This involves revisiting and reinterpreting past experiences that contributed to the formation of limiting beliefs. By consciously altering our perception of these experiences, we can create new, empowering beliefs. For instance, instead of viewing a past failure as evidence of incompetence, we can see it as a valuable learning opportunity that contributed to our growth. 

  • Affirmations: Positive affirmations can help replace negative self-talk and reinforce new, empowering beliefs. Repeating affirmations such as "I am worthy of success" or "I am capable of achieving my goals" can gradually shift our subconscious mind's narrative. Through the consistent use of affirmations, we can retrain our brains to adopt these chosen beliefs, thanks to the brain's neuroplasticity. 

    • Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This means that our brains can change and adapt in response to new experiences, learning, and repeated behaviors. By consistently using positive affirmations, we leverage neuroplasticity to rewire our thought patterns, fostering a more positive and empowered mindset thus changing the “image.’ 

  • Visualization: Visualizing desired outcomes can help reprogram the subconscious mind to align with our goals. By vividly imagining ourselves succeeding and experiencing positive outcomes, we can build confidence and motivation. It's important to visualize the desired outcome as already achieved, not focusing on how it will come about, but rather on the end result as a fact. This means seeing yourself already in possession of your goals and experiencing the feelings associated with that achievement. By doing so, you send a compelling message to your subconscious mind, reinforcing the belief that these outcomes are attainable and inevitable.


  • Interestingly, the subconscious mind does not differentiate between visualization and "reality" as we do. When you visualize something vividly, your subconscious mind perceives it as real, triggering similar physiological and psychological responses as if the imagined scenario were actually happening. This lack of differentiation means that consistent visualization can effectively "trick" your mind into believing that your desired outcomes are already part of your reality. This, in turn, helps to form new neural pathways, thanks to the brain's neuroplasticity, supporting a positive and purposeful mindset. By consistently visualizing your desired outcomes as already achieved, you can align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your goals, ultimately making them a reality.


Mindfulness and Self-Awareness of Limiting Beliefs 

  • Negative Self-Talk: Pay attention to self-critical thoughts such as "I can't do this," "I'm not smart enough," or "I don't deserve this." These phrases are strong indicators of limiting beliefs.


  • Avoidance Behavior: Notice if you avoid certain situations or challenges due to fear of failure or rejection. This avoidance can stem from a belief that you're not capable or worthy.


  • Emotional Reactions: Strong negative emotional reactions to specific situations may signal underlying limiting beliefs. For example, feeling anxious about a presentation might be linked to a belief that you're not good at public speaking.


  • Procrastination: Frequently putting off tasks or goals can be a sign of limiting beliefs about your abilities or worthiness of success. This is a form of avoidance.


  • Patterns of Self-Sabotage: Recognize any patterns where you undermine your own efforts, such as giving up too easily, making excuses, or engaging in destructive behaviors.


  • Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT): CBT is a widely recognized method for identifying, challenging, and modifying negative thought patterns. This therapeutic approach helps individuals understand the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and develop healthier ways of thinking. By using CBT, individuals can systematically reframe their limiting beliefs and replace them with more positive and constructive ones.


The Mirror of the Mind method from The Silva Method helps to increase your creative abilities through using other levels of your mind (similar to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza) and helps you to expand your limitations. The Mirror Principle has clear parallels to this visualizing exercise using mirror images to “reframe” your reality by aligning your subconscious mind with your desired outcomes and problem solving. This exercise uses the power of visualization and symbolic acts to help individuals reprogram their subconscious minds. By repeatedly visualizing the desired outcome, one can create a new reality and effectively transform their life circumstances. The technique leverages the concept that our thoughts and beliefs shape our external reality, and by changing the internal image, we can change the reflection in our outer world.


Blue Frame Mirror: Visualize a blue frame mirror that represents your current situation or a problem you wish to change. This mirror reflects the image of what you are experiencing now, capturing all the aspects you want to leave behind or alter. 

  • Erasing the Image: Next, imagine erasing the image in the blue frame mirror or breaking the mirror itself. This symbolic act signifies the removal of the current undesirable situation from your subconscious mind, effectively dissolving its influence.

  • White Frame Mirror: Move to the left and visualize a new mirror with a white frame. This mirror reflects the solution or desired outcome you want to achieve. See yourself experiencing this new reality, fully embracing the positive changes and the successful resolution of your situation.

  • Programming the Mind: Gradually replace the blue frame mirror with the white frame mirror. As you do this, the image in the white frame mirror becomes your new reality. By repeatedly visualizing this transformation, you program your subconscious mind to align with the desired outcome, reinforcing your intention and manifesting it in your physical reality.

The Shadow and Its Influence

The shadow is considered the parts of ourselves that we repress or deny, often because they are deemed unacceptable or negative. These can include hidden fears, unresolved trauma, and aspects of our personality that we don't fully acknowledge. However, according to Carl Jung, the shadow contains both negative and positive aspects. It can also hold latent talents, strengths, and potential that we have yet to embrace. The shadow resides in the subconscious mind and significantly influences our thoughts, emotions, and actions. It only makes sense then that the shadow has a profound effect on our reality. The shadow often leads to self-sabotaging behaviors driven by the hidden parts of ourselves that resist change or fear success. Shadow work would seem to be a necessary step to supplement the previously mentioned techniques.


Both core beliefs and the shadow reside in the subconscious mind and significantly impact our internal world and external experiences. Both are often formed during early childhood and are shaped by family, culture, society, and personal experiences. However, we tend to continue adding to our shadow even in our adult life. Both influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and can lead to self-sabotaging actions if negative or unaddressed.


Core beliefs are fundamental assumptions and perceptions about ourselves and the world, often handed down to us through indoctrination, and can be both positive or negative. In contrast, the shadow consists of aspects of our personality that we hide away or deny, again speaking to imposed expectations of others, including both negative and positive traits, often including our spiritual gifts or aspects. Core beliefs are more likely to be conscious or semi-conscious, while the shadow is typically hidden in the subconscious and less acknowledged. While core beliefs tend to become our automatic thinking and response or reacti0n, we do have some sense they exist. Core beliefs serve as the lens through which we interpret our experiences, whereas the shadow represents the repressed or denied parts of ourselves that can undermine our conscious intentions or hold untapped potential. How we see or observe our reality is filtered through our belief systems whether we realize it or not.


Since the Mirror Principle and the Law of Attraction both suggest that our external reality reflects our internal state, the unresolved and hidden aspects of the shadow can manifest in our outer experiences. If our shadow contains unresolved fears or trauma, these can project into our reality, causing us to attract situations that trigger those fears. For example, someone with a shadow aspect of deep-seated fear of abandonment might find themselves in relationships where they constantly fear being left. They may even avoid beneficial relationships rather than risk losing them. The shadow often holds negative beliefs about ourselves and the world. These beliefs can create patterns that are reflected in our external experiences. If the shadow harbors beliefs that we are not deserving of success, we might sabotage opportunities or encounter repeated failures. The shadow is often the very thing that blocks us from what we desire, even though we may consciously work toward achieving that desire.


The shadow plays a crucial role in forming and maintaining negative core beliefs. These beliefs are often rooted in past experiences, traumas, and the aspects of ourselves that we have rejected or suppressed. When these negative core beliefs are left unexamined, they can dictate our behaviors and perceptions, leading us to unconsciously create and attract situations that validate these beliefs. Indoctrinated negative beliefs can create patterns that are reflected in our external experiences. On the other hand, positive core beliefs can enhance our personal vibration and lead to more fulfilling experiences. Beliefs in abundance, worthiness, and self-efficacy can manifest as successful endeavors, healthy relationships, and overall well-being. Individuals who hold positive beliefs about themselves and the world are more likely to attract positive experiences and opportunities.


It is imperative to integrate and heal our shadow to effectively shape our reality and manifest our desires. Acknowledge and explore your shadow through self-reflection, journaling, or therapy. Bringing these hidden aspects to the light of consciousness can reduce their power over you. Accept the parts of yourself that you have denied. Healing involves forgiving yourself, understanding the root of these issues, and letting go of past trauma. The shadow is the aggregate of all our wounded parts that need healing, but of course, first must be recognized and managed.


Our shadow tends to reveal through people in our life that are our teachers and mirrors along the way. Carl Jung also writes, “We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguise in the path of light.” 


Teal Swan speaks to recognizing those that trigger our negative emotional responses as messengers that point us to our unhealed parts. She also teaches, as do The Four Agreements, to not take this personally as their words or actions (against you) are but a reflection of their” tragic relationship” with themselves. We might recognize a shadow aspect by realizing when we have a negative emotional reaction to a person’s behavior, not necessarily to the person.


Core beliefs, especially those modeled by learned behavior and indoctrinated opinions and values, and the shadow self, significantly impact the Mirror Principle. They shape our internal state, which is mirrored in our external experiences. By understanding and transforming these core beliefs and addressing the shadow self, we can improve our personal vibration and create a more harmonious and fulfilling reality. Embracing self-awareness and self-reflection allows us to take control of our inner world, ultimately shaping the world we experience around us. Changing your thoughts changes your beliefs which in turn impacts your overall vibration or frequency. This is what will ultimately change that image subsequently changing the reflection.


The Shadow, the Soul, and the Ego: I contend that not only does the shadow needs healing to change the image and reflection, but that one's soul and ego also need to be healed. This will speak to the Shadow, the Soul, and the Ego: Healing and Integrating our Fragmented Self. These are what I consider to be the trinity of our consciousness.

In Freudian analytical psychology, the shadow is unconscious aspects of the personality. The Jungian Shadow is everything not in the “light” of consciousness, thus describing the “unknown dark side” of the personality, and this can include both positive and negative traits or aspects. Our shadow is essentially everything about ourselves that we cannot or refuse to see, because we have suppressed it or hidden it away in our subconscious mind. We have been indoctrinated to have a personal code that we choose to follow to be accepted, to remain safe, and to be considered a “good person.” Anything that does not honor that code is relegated to the unconscious.

Sadly, many of these aspects are positive pieces of ourselves that are “absent” in our consciousness, leaving us “less” than whole. This is called “abstraction” in shamanic terms and is related to soul or power loss that must be restored and integrated back into the mainstream consciousness. The difference is that the shadow aspects do not require retrieving as in a soul retrieval but discovered and reclaimed in positive ways.


While they may be somewhat “dissociated” they are still present and active, vibrating in our energy and subconscious. These shadow aspects  are out of sight, but not out of mind; they are extant and active. As Jung said, “Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of oneself, but by integration of the contraries.” The shadow is the aggregate of all our wounded parts that need healing, but of course, first must be recognized and managed. Our soul animates our body and our biological mind from which our ego emanates. Still, the soul is separate from our biology and our pure consciousness or mind of the soul. The soul is the “separated spirit” that carries the life force and divine essence that is installed into our physical embodiments. Yet all three are an entangled system, one affecting the others. This fragmentation causes inner and outward disparities and distortions in our self-perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors, often to the detriment of our soul plan.


We are often told that we must eradicate the ego, but that would render us without a sense of self and cause some issues in this physical world. It could be said that by constantly suppressing the ego (as opposed to resisting its programs) we create a larger Shadow. It might also be said then that the ego is the source of our Shadow, but also the means to repair and restore it. Our ego is too often blamed for impeding our soul desires, blocking our manifestations, and more; but it is the shadow that is just as much to blame. Our goal then should be to “resist” the reactionary ego and manage the shadow. The shadow is buried in our subconscious, running in the background, silently influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs.


That said, we should then not dread Shadow work but pour our energy into it as an act of self-love and healing, while repairing our damaged fragile ego. Our goal then is to bring our Shadow back into unity with mainstream consciousness, bringing our “dark side” into the service of our Light being. We are not to remove them, but use them, repurpose them, relearn them, even embrace them if only for contrast and points of reference. These are not mistakes, but they can become assets. This then is how we would change the image on multiple levels to truly change the reflection, from what is to what we wish it to be.


By understanding and transforming these shadows and core beliefs, we can improve our personal vibration and create a more harmonious and fulfilling reality. Embracing self-awareness and self-reflection allows us to take control of our inner world, ultimately shaping the world we experience around us. Changing your thoughts changes your beliefs which in turn impacts your overall vibration or frequency. This is what will ultimately change that image thus changing your reflection, changing your "points of attraction."


The Mirror Principle emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection. It suggests that the first person we must examine and understand is ourselves. By doing so, we can better understand our own behaviors, motivations, and interactions with others. This principle is often associated with personal growth and development, as it encourages individuals to look inward to improve their outward relationships and circumstances. We cannot change the reflection without first changing the image, which speaks to our inner vibrational work and spiritual healing. Changing our external reality requires us to address and transform our internal state. This means altering our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to align with the reality we wish to experience. It involves deep self-reflection, self-awareness, and often, a shift in mindset. Techniques like affirmations, visualization, and meditation can help reprogram the subconscious mind to align with desired outcomes. To change our lives, we must first change our minds.


This is where Kabbalah's teachings on accountability come in, aligning with the Mirror Principle. Kabbalah emphasizes the significance of accountability, which is about taking responsibility for our actions and understanding their consequences. It speaks to karma and the effects of previous actions, highlighting that everything we do or have done impacts not only ourselves but also the world around us.


In short, Accountability, according to Kabbalah, teaches that we are responsible for our lives, our subjective reality, our karma, and even bringing our own miracles and answering our own prayers. This teaching is deeply rooted in ideas such as Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), where each individual has a role in improving the world by acknowledging and taking responsibility for their impact. Kabbalah teaches that we are accountable for our actions and our reality. It is not about changing the world; it's about changing ourselves; global change begins with the individual.


Kabbalah also introduces the concept of Teshuva (Return/Repentance), which involves self-examination and returning to a state of spiritual purity. This process includes acknowledging one's mistakes, seeking forgiveness, and making sincere efforts to change one's behavior. Another key teaching in Kabbalah is the understanding of the Sefirot (Divine Attributes or Tendencies), which are ten attributes or emanations through which the Divine manifests in the world. Aligning oneself with these attributes—such as wisdom (Chochmah), understanding (Binah), and compassion (Chesed)—is essential for spiritual growth and accountability.


In addition to accountability, Kabbalah teaches the importance of resisting the ego rather than eradicating it. The idea is to resist or oppose the reactionary emotional responses of the ego that stem from our core beliefs. By managing these responses, we can prevent the ego from controlling our actions and decisions in a negative way. This aligns with the concept of Teshuva, as resisting the ego's impulses allows us to return to a state of spiritual purity and alignment with our higher self.

While karma is a concept more commonly associated with Eastern philosophies, Kabbalistic teachings also emphasize the consequences of one's actions. Every thought, word, and deed  carries an impact, and being watchful of this is crucial to personal and spiritual accountability. When we understand our own motives and behaviors, we become more empathetic towards the struggles and experiences of others. This leads to stronger, more supportive relationships and a more harmonious existence.


The Law of Mirroring and Divine Tendencies

According to Teal Swan, the Law of Attraction is a “binding tendency,” the universal governing law of mirroring superseding all other cosmic laws. This concept explains that our external world mirrors our internal state, and changing our internal tendencies can alter our external experiences. Mahatma Gandhi's quote, "Be the change you wish to see in the world," resonates with this idea.


Mahatma Gandhi speaks to accountability and the Law of Attraction: “We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change toward him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”


Gandhi also said, "Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." This quote perfectly encapsulates the idea that our inner state shapes our outer reality, and by changing our mindset, we can change our lives. He asserts that life will treat us as we treat life; we mirror the world, and the world mirrors us. Our subjective reality reflects our inner being. The universe tends to treat us according to our tendencies, and thus, the need to demonstrate our divine ones. We are responsible for our life, and we must not wait on others (or rely on them or follow their lead). They have their own path and lessons as we have ours.


From SIMPATICO: The proactive path compelled us to look to the Law of Mirroring as a reflection of our inner state and soul progress by way of our physical reality, not to manifest material things. The Law of Mirroring is a gauge, frame of reference, or evidence by which we can assess, monitor, and adjust our process accordingly. One point within this key is the requirement to re-frame everything, changing negative to positive, finding positive within the chaos of whatever experience we might be going through at any given time. Wellness coaches refer to this as personal revisioning.


The Universe matches our vibration and then reflects that back to us. The Law of Mirroring influence and effect is “bilateral symmetry” by which the Universe and humans describe each other. The Universe and humanity are entangled quantum systems. Only like or compatible vibrations can share the same space. Our vibe determines what comes into our kingdom. Our emotions are indicators of whether we are on the “right” path. If we feel good, we are in our vortex and the flow. If we feel bad, we are not; our outer world will typically reflect that to us. There is always that correlation and correspondence.


According to Abraham Hicks, "vibration" refers to the energy frequency at which we operate. Everything in the Universe, including our thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies, is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Abraham Hicks teaches that our emotions are a direct indicator of our vibration. Positive emotions such as joy, love, and enthusiasm signify a high vibration, while negative emotions such as fear, anger, and despair indicate a low vibration.


Our vibration is essentially the energy we emit based on what we focus on, dwell upon, or desire. It is the sum of our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. When we focus on positive outcomes, desires, or anything that brings us joy and fulfillment, we emit a high vibration. Conversely, when we focus on negative aspects, worries, or fears, our vibration lowers. In summary, our vibration is determined by what we consistently focus on and think about, and our emotions act as indicators of our vibrational state. By being mindful of our thoughts and feelings, we can consciously raise our vibration and attract more positive experiences into our lives.


The Law mirrors all creation flowing or unfolding from Source, as each wave of creation is a corresponding version of the Source and its previous level. Each level is an expression and extension of the Creator experiencing itself as that creation, including humans. Everything is a reflection, extension, or version of the Creator; so, everything we create, or manifest is a reflection, extension, or version of us.


Thoughts are Things

Mike Dooley, a well-known author and speaker, introduced the concept of the Matrix of Manifesting, which revolves around the idea that our thoughts and beliefs play a crucial role in shaping our reality. He is famous for his phrase, "thoughts become things," which encapsulates the essence of his teachings on manifesting and the law of attraction. According to Mike Dooley, the universe operates like a grand matrix where our thoughts, intentions, and emotions interact to create the experiences and outcomes in our lives. Here's a closer look at this concept:


  • Thoughts as Creative Forces: Dooley posits that our thoughts are powerful creative forces that have the ability to influence and shape our reality. Just as a matrix is an interconnected network, our thoughts connect with the universal energy to bring about the circumstances we experience.

  • Beliefs as the Blueprint: Our beliefs act as the blueprint within this matrix. Positive and empowering beliefs can lead to favorable outcomes, while negative and limiting beliefs can manifest as challenges or obstacles. By consciously choosing our thoughts and beliefs, we can align ourselves with the desired reality we wish to experience.

  • Visualization and Affirmation: Dooley highlights the importance of visualization and affirmation as tools to actively engage with the matrix. By vividly imagining our goals and affirming positive outcomes, we launch clear signals to the universe, increasing the likelihood of manifesting our desires.

  • Emotional Alignment: Emotions play a significant role in the Matrix of Manifesting. Feelings of joy, gratitude, and excitement enhance the manifesting process by raising our vibrational frequency and attracting similar positive experiences.


Edgar Cayce, often referred to as the "Sleeping Prophet," was a renowned clairvoyant who provided countless readings on various topics, including health, spirituality, and personal development. One of his key teachings was the concept that "thoughts are things," which aligns closely with the Mirror Principle and the Matrix of Manifesting. Here's an elaboration on Cayce's idea:


  • Thoughts as Energetic Realities: Cayce believed that thoughts have their own energetic reality and substance. When we think, we are not merely engaging in a mental process; we are generating energy that has the power to affect our physical world. 

  • Creative Power of Thoughts: According to Cayce, every thought carries a creative force. Positive thoughts can bring about healing, success, and well-being, while negative thoughts can lead to illness, failure, and discord. This concept underscores the responsibility we have in managing our mental landscape. 

  • Mind-Body Connection: Cayce's readings often highlighted the deep connection between the mind and the body. He suggested that our thoughts can influence our physical health, reinforcing the idea that "thoughts are things" that can impact our well-being. 

  • Manifesting Desires: Similar to Dooley's teachings, Cayce emphasized the importance of aligning our thoughts with our desires. By maintaining a positive and focused mindset, we can harness the creative power of our thoughts to manifest the life we seek. 

  • Cayce once said that he performed his psychic readings relying on two things: the Akashic Records and the person's energy or subconscious. According to the Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), Cayce accessed the Akashic Records—a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, and emotions—and the individual's subconscious during his readings. This combination allowed him to provide insights that were both spiritually profound and personally relevant.


Abraham Hicks's Vortex of Creation: Abraham Hicks's concept of the Vortex of Creation posits that our desires and potentials exist in a vibrational field, often referred to as the vortex. This vortex corresponds to the quantum fields that contain all possibilities.


Quantum Field Theory: Modern scientific theories, such as quantum physics, suggest that all possibilities exist in a quantum field. This aligns with the idea of the Vortex of Creation, where our desires and potentials exist as possibilities that we can align with and manifest.


The Vortex of Creation, similar to Dooley’s Matrix of Manifesting,  is essentially a state of being where we are in complete alignment with our desires and the positive energy of the universe. When we are in the Vortex, we are in harmony with our true selves and the Source Energy (or the Universe). This state is characterized by feelings of joy, enthusiasm, inspiration, and appreciation. Being in the Vortex means we are energetically aligned with the Source Energy, which is the pure positive energy that governs the universe. This alignment allows us to attract and manifest our desires effortlessly. The Vortex holds only our positive requests for improvement and expansion. It is a space where there are no resistant thoughts or negative emotions. To be in the Vortex, we need to focus on what we want, not what we don't want, and maintain a positive outlook.


When we feel positive emotions like joy, love, and appreciation, we are in the Vortex. Conversely, negative emotions like fear, anger, and frustration indicate that we are out of the Vortex. When we are in the Vortex, we are in the right state to take inspired actions that align with our desires. This means making decisions, taking steps, and creating opportunities from a place of alignment and positivity. To enter the Vortex, we can practice techniques such as regularly expressing gratitude for what we have and what we are experiencing. Concentrating on what we want and visualizing it as already achieved helps maintain positive focus. Loving and appreciating ourselves, recognizing our worth and capabilities, is crucial. Additionally, releasing negative thoughts, fears, and doubts that pull us out of the Vortex is essential.

Thoth and the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence:

As the Mirror Principle posits that our external reality reflects our internal state, it aligns with the Hermetic Principles of Cause and Effect and Correspondence. The Principle of Correspondence states "as above, so below," highlighting the idea that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. This ancient wisdom suggests that what we observe in the world around us mirrors our internal state and vice versa. The Principle of Cause and Effect asserts that every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause, governed by cosmic laws without coincidences or random events. These principles are the root and form the basis for concepts like the Mirror Principle, karma, and creating our own subjective reality.


From SIMPATICO: “Abraq Had Habra” (Aramaic) generally translates as “as I speak, so I create.” When a person asks for something and initiates a path of seeking, they create an energetic template of it. In other words, when one asks or seeks, that desire is indeed already done vibrationally speaking, and by law, must take form. The goal is to become a vibrational match to that desire in order to share space with it, and that happens in the experience of seeking.


Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect states that every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to Law. Cosmic laws govern our universe; there are no coincidences, accidents, luck, or random events, only causes, and effects. We are the Cause for all our (subjective) Effects.


Emerald Tablet 12: The Law of Cause and Effect; the key to Prophecy: “All effects shall bring forth its causes as all effects grew from the First Cause. Know ye the future is not fixed or stable but varies as cause brings forth an effect. So, O man, be sure the effects (or results) ye bring forth are ever causing more perfect effects. Know ye the future is never in fixation but follows man’s free will as it moves through the Movements of the time toward the goal where a new time begins.“


The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence holds that which is above corresponds to what is below; that which is below corresponds to that which is above, and together form the one true thing. There is correspondence in all planes of existence. Just as the Thoughts of the Divine Mind filter down in the sacred union of physical matter, the thoughts and images we hold in our mind will manifest by way of their increasing density becoming the eventual physical forms. This concept is also expressed in the original Aramaic Lord’s Prayer: “thy kingdom approaches; thy will is done on earth (density) as it is done in heaven (all that vibrates).” The non-physical corresponds to (approaches) becoming a physical thing, and tendencies of Source operates the same in both realms.


 “In the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was God.” Scholars and scientists agree that this was not a language but a tone, sound, vibration, frequency, or wave. From the Emerald Tablets: “O Thoth, in the beginning, there was a Void and Nothingness, a timeless, spaceless nothingness. And into this nothingness came a Thought, purposeful and all-pervading, and it filled the Void. There existed no matter, but only a Force, a Movement, a Vortex, or Vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the Void. Hear thou and understand. The Flame is the source of all things, containing all things in potentiality. The Order that sent forth the Light is the Word, and from the Word came Life and the existence of All….”

The Keys of Enoch key 312 states that the spiritual laws of the invisible universe supersede the laws of the physical universe. Without creating archetypal worlds as models or templates for the form of a physical universe, there could be no accurate ionic composition of material form. Everything in Creation is an archetypal vibration or energetic template or “thought” before it takes physical form. That includes human beings. If our vibration does not synchronize with what is coming in, that thing cannot enter our subjective reality. We are encoded with matching frequencies of this world so we can exist here. The Ophanim of Ezekiel’s vision are also part of the Tree of Life, aka the deca-delta manifold. They ensure that the “right quality of Light” is used for the various and specific life forms, so they match their physical world. This is why the core frequency of humans cannot be altered. One cannot “raise” their frequency, but only improve the quality of their vibration.


The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch by Dr. J.J. Hurtak

The concept of a spiritual template refers to the idea that before anything can manifest physically, it must first exist as an energetic blueprint or template at a higher spiritual level. This template contains all the necessary information and potential for the physical form to take shape. The spiritual template is an energetic blueprint that outlines the structure, characteristics, and purpose of the physical manifestation. It exists in a higher-dimensional realm and contains all the necessary details for the physical form to materialize.

The ionic composition refers to the specific arrangement and interaction of ions (charged particles) that will form the physical substance. This composition is determined by the spiritual template and dictates how the physical form will be constructed at the atomic and molecular levels. The process of manifestation involves the translation of the spiritual template into the physical world. This requires the alignment and activation of various energetic pathways and centers within the individual's energy field, often referred to as Axiatonal Lines and Spin Points. The spiritual template must align with the natural laws of the universe to ensure a smooth transition from the energetic to the physical realm. This alignment involves harmonizing the template with the principles of physics, chemistry, and biology. By understanding and working with these energetic templates, we can consciously influence the manifestation of their desires and intentions, leading to a more intentional and purposeful creation of their reality.


The "lag time" in The Keys of Enoch refers to the period between the manifestation of an energetic template and its physical realization. This concept suggests that once an idea or intention is formed at a higher spiritual or energetic level, there is a delay before it materializes in the physical world. The book explains that this lag time is influenced by various factors, including the individual's level of consciousness, the clarity and strength of the intention, and the alignment of the energetic template with the natural laws of the universe. The clearer and more focused the intention, the shorter the lag time, as the energetic template aligns more closely with the desired outcome.


The Teachings of Jesus in The Book of Thomas

From the Book of Thomas: “Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom? Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."


The phrase "when the two become one" refers to the integration of the conscious and subconscious mind, leading to spiritual enlightenment and entry into the Kingdom. In Matthew 6:33, during his Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus gave us the Lord’s prayer, he also said: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things will be added to you.” The Lord’s Prayer also mentions this Kingdom: “your heavenly kingdom approaches; let your will be done on earth (that is material and dense) as it is in heaven (all that vibrates).” The kingdom is the energetic realm of Source, containing all thing in potentiality, archetypes, divine thoughts, and sacred geometry. This kingdom approaches our physical reality and is certainly intertwined within it. Jesus said, “it (the kingdom) is spread all over this world, and men cannot see it.”


Jesus said in the Book of Thomas, “When you come to know yourself, you will become known and realize that you are all sons of the Living Father. But if you do not come to know yourself, you will dwell in poverty, and you are that poverty.” Poverty might describe lack, scarcity, or hardship; all which are anti-divine tendencies, or not our true divine nature. Jesus might also be insinuating our accountability here, either way.


Matthew: 7:7: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Scholars have discovered certain significant text that supplements this passage but was edited out, likely by Constantine (Council of Nicaea). In an original Aramaic text in the book of Thomas, the following was part of the original passage: “And when you ask, ask from the heart and without hidden agenda, and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by your desire that your gladness might be full.”

“I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” Matthew 16:17-19. Suppose the Kingdom is the overlapping dimensions of heaven and earth, the spiritual and the physical, the energetic and the material, and we have power and influence in both. Does this not make sense that what Jesus is referring to is the governing Law of Mirroring that reflects what we “bind or loosen?”


Neville Goddard's Quote: When one asks, they should ask in general and unconditional terms, without forcing the manifesting of their desire. Ask from the heart to infuse your thoughts and words with emotion. In asking, a person creates an energetic template for the thing they desire, and Source answers immediately by moving that template toward physical form. Align your belief to that future event without worrying about how it might come. The philosopher Neville Goddard wrote, “You must make your future dream a present fact by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled.”


Einstein's Theory: Einstein's Theory and the Energy-Matter Connection

Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity, particularly his famous equation E=mc2E = mc^2, revolutionized our understanding of the relationship between energy and matter. This equation states that energy (E) and mass (m) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same fundamental substance. Here’s how this concept supports the idea that our thoughts and beliefs (forms of energy) can influence the material world around us:


  • Energy and Matter as Interchangeable: The equation E=mc2E = mc^2 implies that a small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy, and vice versa. This establishes a fundamental link between physical matter and energy, suggesting that what we perceive as solid matter is essentially condensed energy. As Einstein explained in 1948, "mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing—a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind."

  • Thoughts as Forms of Energy: Thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can be considered forms of energy. They are generated and processed by the brain, which operates through electrochemical activity. This neural activity creates electromagnetic waves, essentially making thoughts a type of energy. 

  • Influence of Energy on Matter: Since thoughts are a form of energy, they can interact with other forms of energy and potentially influence the physical world. This idea aligns with the notion that our mental state can affect our physical health, environment, and experiences. For example, stress (a mental and emotional state) can manifest physically as illness, while positive thinking can lead to better health and well-being. 

  • Quantum Physics and Observer Effect: Quantum physics further supports this idea through the observer effect, which suggests that the act of observation can influence the behavior of particles at the quantum level. This implies that consciousness (our thoughts and intentions) can affect the material world.


The Mirror Principle: A Critical Examination

The Mirror Principle posits that our external reality reflects our internal state, particularly our subconscious mind and its core beliefs. While this concept has gained significant popularity in recent years, it's essential to scrutinize its claims and understand its limitations, especially when compared to the deeper insights found in ancient wisdom and scientific principles.


Core Concept

The Mirror Principle suggests that our inner world—comprising thoughts, emotions, and beliefs—is mirrored in our outer experiences. Positive internal states manifest as fulfilling and successful experiences, while negative internal states lead to challenges and obstacles. While this idea resonates with the Law of Attraction, it often oversimplifies the complex nature of human experience and the multitude of factors that influence our reality.


Limitations in Modern Interpretation

The modern interpretation of the Mirror Principle tends to streamline ancient teachings and scientific theories into a more accessible, but often superficial, framework. Ancient philosophies and spiritual traditions offer a far more nuanced understanding of the relationship between our inner and outer worlds. These traditions delve deeply into the complexities of the human psyche, karma, and the interconnectedness of all things—concepts that are often glossed over or diluted in contemporary versions of the Mirror Principle.


Scientific Oversimplification

The Mirror Principle sometimes references scientific concepts like the observer effect from quantum physics to support its claims. However, this application often oversimplifies the true nature of these principles. The observer effect in quantum mechanics describes how the act of observation can change the state of a quantum system. This principle is encapsulated in the spiritual saying, "the observer changes the observed," which emphasizes the importance of self-observation and conscious intention. By seriously observing one's behavior, visualizing the desired condition, and doing the vibrational work, one can change the "image," thereby altering the "reflection." However, the Mirror Principle often understates this complexity, leading to misunderstandings about the true nature of the observer effect.


Vibration and Emotions

According to Abraham Hicks, "vibration" refers to the energy frequency at which we operate. Everything in the Universe, including our thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies, is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Hicks teaches that our emotions are direct indicators of our vibration. Positive emotions such as joy, love, and enthusiasm signify a high vibration, while negative emotions such as fear, anger, and despair indicate a low vibration. Our vibration is essentially the energy we emit based on what we focus on, dwell upon, or desire. By maintaining a high vibration through positive thoughts and feelings, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. However, the Mirror Principle's interpretation of this concept often lacks the nuance and depth that Hicks' teachings provide.


The Shadow and Core Beliefs

Teachings such as those of Carl Jung emphasize the importance of understanding and integrating both the positive and negative aspects of the shadow. Similarly, core beliefs are fundamental assumptions about ourselves and the world, shaped by early life experiences and societal influences. Modern interpretations of the Mirror Principle may not fully address the complexity of these concepts, leading to an oversimplified approach to personal development.


Undermining Original Concepts

The Mirror Principle also seems to be a quasi-copy of the Silva Method's Mirror of the Mind technique. The Silva Method involves visualizing the desired outcome on a mental screen, doing the vibrational work, and achieving that result through focused intention. By simplifying and repackaging these techniques, the Mirror Principle can undermine the original concepts and their intended depth.


The Importance of Self-Knowledge

Ancient wisdom, from the inscriptions at the Temple of Delphi to the teachings of Jesus, emphasizes the importance of "knowing thyself." Self-knowledge is crucial for personal transformation and growth. One cannot change the image unless they take a hard look at themselves, confront their truths, and make the necessary changes. It is not as simple as just imagining images and reflections; it requires deep self-awareness and a commitment to personal development.


Practical Implications

While the Mirror Principle can offer a useful framework for self-reflection and personal growth, it's crucial to approach it with a critical mindset. Simplifying ancient wisdom and scientific principles can lead to misunderstandings and potentially unrealistic expectations. For meaningful personal growth, it’s essential to engage with the deeper, more complex teachings from which these modern interpretations are derived.



The Mirror Principle, in its modern form, provides an accessible introduction to the idea that our internal state affects our external reality. However, it falls short of encompassing the depth and complexity found in ancient wisdom and scientific exploration. By critically examining its claims and integrating insights from more profound sources, we can achieve a more holistic and realistic approach to personal development and understanding the interplay between our inner and outer worlds. As Alexander Pope wisely stated, “A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.” This quote reminds us of the importance of deep and thorough understanding, rather than settling for surface-level knowledge.

So, much like Alice's adventure in "Through the Looking-Glass," we don't just peer into a mirror. We must step through it, confronting a world where we have to face our inner demons before we can even think about changing our outer reality. This journey isn't for the faint of heart—it requires us to take a hard look at ourselves, sometimes entering the shadows or darkness within us. We must confront the parts of ourselves we might prefer to ignore, and then do the necessary work to change what's inside. We have to deal with our brokenness and programming. Only by delving into our own depths and addressing our inner conflicts can we alter the reflections staring back at us.

"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see." - Lewis Carroll

Keep pushing past the surface appearance, and remember, the looking glass isn't just a mirror—it's a gateway to the mirror magic that transforms our chaos into clarity, our thoughts into things, our desires into reality.

See you on the other side!



To dive deeper into these concepts and explore how to truly integrate ancient wisdom into your modern life, check out my book SIMPATICO on Amazon, and my main website at

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