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Writer's pictureSteve Wagner

Editorial Review on Simpatico

Worth reading

This book is a well-written description of one person's journey through reconciling spirituality and science.

Rebekah Jorgensen, Discovery Reviewer @

This book covers a lot of ground in its pages. The author touches on a wide variety of topics, including religion, history, and science. One of the things that surprised me about the book was how much it drew on Christianity, especially as the beginning of the book was dedicated to shamanistic topics and philosophies which are often seen as being incompatible with Christianity.

This author shows that differing religious traditions don't necessarily have to be at odds with each other. By showing some of the similar language and imagery found in different traditions, he shows how they can be compatible with each other. My favorite chapter was the chapter about Four Agreements because the agreements really are pretty much things that are universal, no matter what your religious background is.

The book is quite long, but it's worth the read. Even if you don't agree with everything that's part of the author's spiritual background, there are going to be some things that you do agree with, because there are some things that are universal. I also always enjoy reading books where people who don't describe themselves as exclusively Christian write about Christ and Christian teachings - it shows how widely those teachings apply, even for non-Christians. It also helps me to expand my own horizons as far as learning about other faith traditions.

The stated goal of the book is to show how spirituality, ancient philosophies, and modern science can work together instead of against each other. I think that, overall, the author is successful. Some of the book is written in a more chronological order with summaries of specific years, and some of the book is written in a way that's more topical, but overall it works well to get his point across, that there are things that are universal, and that science and philosophy and spirituality don't necessarily have to be in conflict with each other.

Ultimately, while I didn't think this was the best book I've ever read on this kind of topic (weaving together science and religion) I still found it interesting. I enjoy reading books about people's journeys, and this book was very open about the different parts of the spiritual journey and discovery the author took. It is worth a read for anyone who is interested in reading about another's spiritual journey, or how someone who has deeply held spiritual beliefs reconciles that with modern science.

You can view this and all the customer reviews on my Amazon book landing page.

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