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Writer's pictureSteve Wagner

Keys to the Kingdom Part 4: Integration

Article 4; Key 4: Integration

To wrap up the original intention of this series, I want to just briefly speak on the subject of Integration, the key that may well describe our purpose soul purpose. I will not get into the 5th key of using all the available spiritual tools since that is a highly subjective choice; and each of my preferred choices would merit its own discourse.

In general, integration is all about healing the great fragmentation or dis-integration we have suffered from the time we incarnated to any given point along the way. It is about recognizing the illusion of separation and the faults of divisive thinking; and putting everyone on the same level playing field as an equal, applying your divine lens to see them as souls that are part of you, part of the All, and all reflect something back to you.

It is about taking your accumulated knowledge and incorporating it into your beliefs, decisions, and being, as well as racking up spiritual points for the larger evolutionary process; and ultimately to take what you have learned and carry it through to the next lesson. We are approaching that end result walking our path now.

While writing this article I realized that to fully understand the concept of integration one must also understand its antithesis fragmentation. This then led me to also realize all the various forms and levels of fragmentation we all suffer from resistance, to comparing, to shadow work, to shamanic soul loss, to split consciousness segments, to psychotic breaks.

Clearly, this topic is far beyond the scope of this writing; and I will continue to delve into fragmentation in both classes and upcoming posts. Along with this future information I will also begin to “re-define” some of the outdated notions of spirituality, especially shamanic terminology as I begin to apply a new meaning and application to the ancient knowledge surrounding these important themes.

So back to integrating… In the 12th of the Emerald Tablets, the key of prophecy (also referring to the Hermetic Principal of Cause and Effect), “All effects shall bring forth its causes as all effects grew from the First Cause. Know ye the future is not fixed or stable but varies as Cause brings forth an effect. So O man, be sure the effects ye bring forth are ever causes for more perfect effects (progression). Know ye the future is never in fixation but follows man’s free will as it moves through the Movements of the time-space toward the goal where a new time begins.

Bottom line here folks is that we have two choices, struggle and resist our path or simply flow with it. The latter is facilitated if we actually not only learn from our experience, but integrate this acquired knowledge into our daily life and utilize it in all our upcoming experiences. This is our task, to discard all the old and extraneous and to keep and catalog all the new learning that matches our true power and self.

We can work through all our experiences using this and other previous keys, facilitating our process. At some point, we can begin to short cut the sometimes painful process as we begin to “get it.” when we really get it, we will realize that the best way to work through an experience is to pull together all we have already learned, and the best way to predict any future even is to create it ourselves.

Integration might be considered the next step beyond simpatico. Getting everything on the same wavelength is one thing, but then you must unify and blend all this into your life and knowledge base. It is about harmonizing and healing all your chakras, energetic bodies, lost soul fragments, displaced or dissociated consciousness and/or personas, about becoming connected back to the Source and Light as one. It’s about reconciling ego with soul, physical with spiritual, energetic with material, mind with body with soul; heart with brain, when the 2 become 1, stepping into your personal power and authority—your kingdom.

We are here to integrate and heal all the fragmentation that causes us such distress and dis-ease. We are here to integrate all our knowledge and consciousness into our path and the larger evolution of All. We are here to once again be Whole and of the Light...even though we always have been.

No matter how many problems you think you have, or how many experiences you seem to muddle through, it always boils down to just one thing: separation or fragmentation; not being integrated.

When you continue to look outside yourself for answers, or see others as separate from yourself (not recognizing or appreciated the reflection they may offer to you), or consider God as some external force or deity, your are not integrated. So strive for simpatico and then push for full integration.

Integration brings your inner Knowing or higher intuition that plugs you in and pulls answers from your accumulated knowledge and Guidance. Paraphrased from Mike Dooley’s Notes from the Universe: young souls look to ritual, ceremony, and teachers; mature souls look to math, science, and law; and old souls look within.

But we know that even the old souls went through the first two steps first—and then integrated.

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