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The Four Agreements and Heaven on Earth

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

Since we have been discussing the power of the spoken word and significance in "asking" relative to the Law of Attraction, I thought I would also share this post. This is derived from previous classes, and included in my pending book. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter Twelve: The Four Agreements and Heaven on Earth

The Four Agreements:

1. Be impeccable with your word.

* speak with integrity, honesty, truth and love (not with reactionary negative emotions)

* say what you mean; mean what you say; be selective (and cautious) in choosing your words

* avoid using your words to speak against yourself (negative self-talk) or others (gossip or verbal attack)

* always use your words to build and empower; not to tear down

2. Don’t take anything personally.

* Understand that it’s not usually about you (in the context of what others might say about you)

* What others say or do is a reflection of their own internal story, usually rooted in their indoctrinated beliefs

* Build immunity to the opinions or actions of others to avoid being affected by them (do not care what others say)

3. Never make assumptions.

* If you are not sure, ask questions until you understand

* Express what you really want; never take it for granted that a person should just know what you want

* Be clear in your communication with others; information must be given, received, and confirmed it was understood

4. Always do your best.

* Your best will fluctuate from day to day and moment to moment

*Always do the best you can with what you have at any given moment

* The present is your only true reality, so focus your energy on the now 24/7/365

Today we will focus on the first Agreement: be impeccable with your word. However, you will see that many circumstances will include the application of multiple agreements simultaneously. All the Agreements speak to what the author calls our “domestication” as we take on the belief systems of others rather than our own truth (that 95% of what we learn from others is wrong—at least for us); we become what others expect us to be rather than become our authentic self. This process of indoctrination forms our core belief systems, that we often do not believe in at all.

So the Agreements are a tool we can use to become aware of the negative programs, blocks and limiting belief systems we have in place. We can undo them by making new and more accurate Agreements with ourselves—a new “contract” if you will. Awareness is always the first step toward change and releasing “what no longer serves.” The Agreements are pretty basic but yet complex. As you grow, your understanding and capacity expands; so each time you read this book you take in something new. You comprehend a new level of consciousness and awareness. As you become more aware, you notice more applications of each Agreement, and how is corresponds to larger concepts. The truth is almost always simple albeit complex; it is never complicated.

When I use the word “complex” I refer to multiple layers of meaning and various levels of understanding that tends to unfold as we focus on a subject, topic or concept. The Light is simple but complex. The spiritual concepts we study usually fall into this category. So, this is how this topic has been rolling around with me for some time, but I just never seemed to have all the information or “push” to actualize it. I have always been interested in the use of words and expanding my vocabulary. With the recent studies involving the ancient languages and sacred alphabets, I became more aware of our language. The ancient languages are complex. Our modern day (English) language is complicated.

The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. The Latin alphabet has 23 letters. Our English alphabet has 26 letters. Latin and Aramaic are both dead languages; there are no new words. However, these and other ancient languages carry the most power and energy conveying ancient mysteries and knowledge that our language is not capable of translating accurately. We use so many words in order to be descriptive and precise in our wording. We continue to invent new words and even add slang to our accepted vocabulary and dictionary definitions. We delude ourselves into believing we are improving our language when it seems we are only diluting it with so many distinct words that basically mean the same thing, but vary in degree or circumstance. We have to come to accept and use a language of verbosity rather than imagery. We choose to use volumes of words to convey what one ancient word (or symbol) described in much greater detail. The ancient languages reflect that simplicity and complexity of the Light Language.

Jesus taught this to some degree when he presented the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:7:. “And when you pray, do not keep babbling like the pagans or use vain repetitions as the heathens; for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them as your Father knows what you need before you ask. This then is how you pray:” And yes, as we have discussed, even the Lord’s Prayer, a fundamental religious belief and doctrine has been grossly inaccurate due to the various translations and contexts and let’s face it, agendas of the interpreters.

In any event, this topic started to take form recently while I was working on the bathroom remodel, and reached a point where I could have stopped for the day. However, I continued to work on some other things. My daughter, Jackie, pointed out that I could—and should—just start fresh the next morning. She called me a “busy-body.” I would have been offended if not for the complete irrelevance of that word within the context of what I was actually doing. I was more confused, wondering how she came to call me that. It made no sense to me at all why she would refer to me as an officious or meddling person who interferes in the private affairs of others. She completely misused this word assuming that she knew its definition (in her mind meaning “too busy”).

We do this so often—misusing words, using the wrong words, not knowing the definitions or understanding the true connotation of the words we use. This is one reason we have miscommunications or misunderstandings. We assume that we are clear in our communication; but the other party may be confused or take your meaning in a completely different way than what you intended. We may not completely articulate our thoughts, gloss over details, and assume that the other party should just know what we meant. Then the other party makes other assumptions, trying to fill in the blanks because we didn’t provide all the information they required to make an accurate assessment of what we told them.

A relatively innocent comment could actually result into the other person taking it to be an offensive remark. Arguments or hurt feelings happen over a simple mistake in using words. In this very brief exchange, this passing comment, Jackie was not impeccable (faultless) with her words, making an assumption that she was using her words correctly. It was not her intent to call me this unflattering name; and if not for my total confusion, I might have taken this personally and then turned on her with less than impeccable words of my own.

Impeccable: 1 : not capable of sinning or liable to sin; 2 : free from fault or blame : flawless

It’s not about having an impressive vocabulary, mastery of the language, articulating your thoughts, or even being witty or clever. However, I could make a strong case in general for all the above; including proper grammar and punctuation. All these finer points of language can help you minimize miscommunication and assumptions. Also, we do need to know the correct and accurate definitions of words and how to use them appropriately, not only in daily interaction with others, but with interaction with Spirit and the Universe. The Universe is literal: adhering to fact or to the ordinary construction or primary meaning of a term or expression; actual.

What if the divine alphabet had been misused by the Higher Evolution and Sephiroth when designing creation according to the thoughts of the Father? Remember in a previous class that this arch angelic alpha-numeric code was taken away from humanity after people abused the power and influence it carried. In the story of the Tower of Babel this uniform language of humanity was confused to keep the human race from destroying itself. Basically it is about speaking with integrity, truth (facts not gossip or hearsay or rumors) and love; saying what you mean and meaning what you say; choosing your words wisely and accurately; avoiding gossip and negative self-talk; never using your words to harm or tear down (another person or yourself). Add in here, be concise.

Ephesians: 4:29: Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen.

Matthew 12:37: For by your words you will be justified (acquitted), and by your words you will be condemned.

Words are not just sounds or a group of symbols that we agree have a particular meaning in our language. Words are a Force with vibrational power. The Power of the Spoken Word is often referred to suggesting its ability or influence to create or to destroy. Your words can sting, hurt, cut to the bone, make one cry, make one smile, empower, uplift, console, counsel, and even heal. Through your words you express creative power. Through words you tend to manifest everything. Thoughts become things because at some point you gave voice to those thoughts. You sent out that vibration carried in the word and that frequency-consciousness began to seek out other like frequencies-consciousnesses. I have always thought that this would be a foundation for a Fifth Agreement; be impeccable with your thoughts.

So when the Kabbalah teaches about being accountable, this is part of that. You have created your reality. Everything you have or experience you have some how brought into effect more than likely by voicing it (and dwelling on it). There is no other person to blame or fault or judge. We create our own karma; all our past actions, non-actions, thoughts, words and deeds carry consequence. But they can carry benefit too, and we should keep that in mind as we monitor our thought before they even become words. Our indoctrination and all our negative programming and automatic reactions were likely seeded in us by the words of those we trusted to teach us. They passed on their opinions and beliefs without a second thought, misusing words coupled with great assumptions that were probably never questioned. At some point we agreed with them and accepted them as truth. This truth then became part of our belief system, and this belief system actually becomes that which sabotages us in life and becomes that major stumbling block to attain the Light.

Anais Nin wrote, “We have been poisoned by fairy tales.

Denis De Rougemont wrote, “Fallen myths can instill venom.”

Ruiz compares the negative use of words, such as in our “domestication” by others, to casting spells. We are poisoned by the words of others rather than empowered by them; and we tend to repeat and perpetuate this cycle. “They” hook our attention and give us these words. Energy flows where your attention goes, so we focus on these words and feed them energy. They become part of us—kind of—although they are not even our actual opinions or truth. Yet our ego embraces them and causes them to become our reactions. People then tend to pass this legacy down to the next generation, or we gossip about others. Kabbalah teaches that we must resist these reactions in order to weaken the ego and its negative influences. This is how we break that “spell.”

So when focusing on becoming impeccable with your word, you of course start with yourself. You accept the fact that you have made agreements that are based on inaccurate information that is simply not always true for you. You hold yourself accountable for your current reality as a result or consequence of your past actions, that are most likely based on these inaccurate belief systems. You make new agreements with yourself; you make a decision that you will strive to become totally impeccable with your word.

You will now intend to manifest truth and clear out all the emotional and psychological and spiritual poison you have ingested over the years (and lifetimes). Now focus your attention on this new agreement; channel your energy flow to it; practice makes permanent. You must now become aware of your thoughts as well as your words. Awareness is key. As soon as you realize or recognize that negative thought, especially as it becomes words, you “cancel” or “rewind” and the re-frame, re-word and re-speak it impeccably.

Kabbalah refines the idea of “negative” thoughts in that these are not the true source of our problems. The real source of our problems and issues are the Selfish “all about me” thoughts and thought processes. Think about that. Most of our negative thoughts stem from ego based thoughts or feelings. Even the Seven Cardinal Sins (which are not actual sins by the way), are all based in ego. Ego is the root of all sin. To be impeccable is to be without sin. So, logically, to become impeccable (with our word) we must eliminate the influence of the ego (aka the Adversary).

Start by changing the way you deal and communicate with yourself before you can do the same with others. All change begins with you. You have to become that Light you seek before you can pass the flame to others. You are not striving to be “right” but to be accurate and truthful and impeccable. When you become involved in a disagreement, state your case, speak your truth but try to avoid defending your position. Attacking the other person verbally is negative use of your words against them. Remember that even your opinion is merely a point of view, and not necessarily a fact. If the other person rejects your opinion, do not take it personally. You have a choice to consider or dismiss any opinion.

Many of us have a problem with this, especially when we are healers or counselors—or parents and grand parents for that matter. We get frustrated when the client (or child—often both) does not follow our advice or do as they “should” do per our instructions. It is their free will choice and their walk; all we can do is offer the information and then hand it over. It is our ego that makes us frustrated. We are reminded we are not here to fix, save, or rescue; but to teach and mirror (hopefully as a good example). Being impeccable with your word also means speaking your truth, honoring your self and what you believe. This ties into setting healthy boundaries (November 2019: The Keys to the Kingdom).

When we start resisting all these ego based reactions, sorting out the truth from the illusion, we then also become less and less affected by the influence of others. We refuse to take things personally. We stop caring what others think, and that relieves us of expectations and potential indoctrination. We focus on our accountability. We allow others to be who they are and do what they do. It is their walk, not yours. They are their own responsibility, not yours. We can walk away from those who use us, and we create an opportunity for them to become accountable for their actions. We have to get to that point where we just no longer care and we surely do not worry. We remain interested and concerned, but we do not get entangled. We voice our words impeccably and appropriately, and we stand ready to be there when they need us. This is how we share the Light; we feed our souls by being there for and sharing with others. We “hold space” for others by first creating our own sacred space. When others become a more fitting “vibrational match” to us, we can then invite them back in to share our space.

OK, so ultimately words are a force that carries energetic frequencies that can affect our lives. Words are an inherent part of our makeup and innate coding. The spiritual technologies we have studied, especially the 72 Sacred Names are divine frequencies that are said to be encoded within our very DNA, and are made up of the Divine Alphabet and Language of Light. These frequencies carry the power to change us on a molecular level, and resist our ego-driven tendencies. Resonance is the common factor uniting this world with the Upper World of the Higher Evolution and levels of creation; it carries the rhythm and measure that connects us to the Divine and all other states of matter, radiation and vibration. So I have selected three Names of God that you might use to meditate on to strengthen and enhance your study and application of The Four Agreements, primarily the first agreement to be impeccable with your word: #4: Ain Lamed Mem; #25: Nun Tet Hey; and #40: Y od Yod Zain

Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, also wrote, “The first agreement (be impeccable with your word) is the most important one, and also the most difficult one to honor. It is so important that with just this first agreement you will be able to transcend to the level of existence I call “heaven on earth.”

According to Kabbalah, heaven on earth refers to both individual and global peace; and the same principle holds true for the concept of personal and global “Messiah.” For Heaven on Earth to happen we must first achieve a state of Messiah within ourselves; that is liberation and recovery through personal transformation. This personal physical and spiritual transformation happens on two ways, and the Sacred Name associated with this concept is (#13) Yod Zain Lamed.

Kabbalah teaches that ultimately you create your own Heaven (or Hell) on Earth in your subjective reality, via your free will choice of what you observe in contrast to what you wish the condition to be. This comes to be a major concept in 2020 as we move forward with the Law of Attraction as the governing force and law of the universe that subordinates virtually all other cosmic and physical laws. (Refer Law of Attraction and supporting text (2020); alignment; vibration; observing, contrasting, and the power of the spoken word).

John Milton, author of Paradise Lost wrote: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” This is often mistakenly quoted as a Biblical verse. I chose this quote for several reasons, the first being the obvious reference to the power of our minds-thoughts that ultimately create our reality. However, it is also an example of different levels of meaning referring to our study of the ancient languages, symbolism, and metaphors of ancient wisdom.

Paradise Lost was actually a political commentary during the Restoration Period in England, and this theme was the “deeper meaning” of the religious themed, church sanctioned Classic Literature that it is today. The speaker of this quote, Satan or the fallen Lucifer, realizes that he and his legions (once part of the Divine Hierarchy) have been ostracized from heaven, and cast down to this earth. He speaks to the free will choice of making his observed condition into that which he desires to be. He goes on to say, “Here we may reign secure, and in my choice to reign is worth ambitions, though in Hell. Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.”

Kabbalah teaches that we have two ways to experience our physical life and carry out our soul purpose here; both speak to your accountability, behavior, and choices.

1. suffering or reactive behavior through your ego (the adversary of your condition); the reactive behavior associated with ego and indoctrinated beliefs, programs, and patterns; continuing to attach to or identify with the mundane, material, and dense vibrations of the physical world; doubting or oblivious to the truth of the Light; considering only self and what this dimension can offer while ignoring the agenda of the soul to evolve through its physical or earthly experiences. In this scenario, rather than observing and changing vibrational circumstance, one simply reacts emotionally.

2. proactive spiritual transformation through your soul; the condition or choice that stops the suffering through exercising your free will in favor of resisting ego and associated programs, constantly seeking out the Light that is concealed; sharing this Light once revealed; and realizing and understanding that this physical world is but illusion, a place of spiritual evolutionary learning and process that can only be experienced through our authentic energetic self taking material form. In this scenario, you observe your condition, sorting the truth from the illusion, do your vibrational work, and move forward to a condition you prefer to experience.

We must become our own “Redeemer” in making the necessary changes in consciousness toward the spiritual path and away from the material trappings. Refer to the original Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic: “...provide me with that which I seek, but let me not become lost in superficial or material things or common temptations; but detach me from these fetters that bind me and keep me from my true purpose.”

Refer to the Prayer of Jabez, Chronicles 4: 10: Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. This actually speaks to the Kabbalistic concept of receiving in order to share; you have to take care of yourself first. You have to put the oxygen mask on you first, then the baby. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

Global transformation can only occur when the individual transformation of the world reaches critical mass of the Collective Consciousness. That said, the Kabbalistic view of a global savior is not a person or force, but an indication or sign that a significant number of people have actually reached a level of vibrational consciousness shift or transformation in their lives, contributing to that of the Collective, that then shapes or world or global reality. Refer to the 13th Sacred Name in the 72 Names Directory. This is what apparently did NOT happen in 2019.

Kabbalah further teaches, as does many other spiritual practices, that the purpose of our existence, the meaning of life, is to find the Light not only within ourselves, but which is also inside others. Basically we are to find the Light, the true energetic truth behind the illusion of the material, reveal our divine tendencies as Creators, and integrate that into this dense 3D energetic field we call Space Time, or Reality. Moses called this the Promised Land. Buddha called it Nirvana. Jesus called it Heaven or the Kingdom of God. Toltec refer to it as The New Dream. According to the Living Words of Wisdom web site, Namaste’ is both a spoken spiritual salutation and a physical gesture, which recognizes the divine (light) in another person. This word translates simply, “I bow to the divine in you.” As they said in the movie Avatar, “I see you (the real you).” Growing up I remember hearing the elders say this very thing, that they saw through the facade and posturing to the reality of what a person really was, usually indicating a negative trait.

Ultimately, the message here is that Heaven on Earth only comes when you focus on yourself first. We started this discussion about self-love in 2019 and it carries over into 2020. A lot of people will try to focus on global peace, but this is often just an avoidance strategy that keeps them from looking at their own inner conflicts. Such coping mechanisms simply mean things will stay status quo without change. The two concepts of Kabbalah can actually be summarized as 1. suffering = resistance; and 2. proactive spiritual transformation = flow.

If you want to see change in the world, you must be willing to change yourself. Start with how you use your words. "Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder." -Rumi

Until next time,


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